Apr 112018

in attendance:

Shawn Maynard, Dave Park, Elaine Dagnillo, Kirk Chugg, Don Scott (Bruce Engelsby excused)



  1. Outbuildings
  2. Roads
  3. Gate
  4. Update on Wadman property

Steve Wheeler attended the meeting and asked for better instruction as to the requirements of construction for an outbuilding he is contemplating building on his property.  Neighbors Porters and Penmans were in attendance to voice support.  At this time there was not a plan submitted but the request did point out the need for clarification of the CC&Rs in regard to the construction of outbuildings… the Board discussed the need for a broad set of guidelines that would allow an applicant to better understand what criteria might be required.

The board discussed the topic of outbuilding construction and recognized that the CC&Rs are very subjective and require: The Owner shall submit plans (building and site), color samples, and material samples to the Board of Trustees. The type and placement of materials shall be of top quality and complement and be consistent with the existing construction within the Project.  Which means an applicant for a building would have to get into the process pretty far before they could even submit a proposal for the boards consideration, with no real idea of the possible outcome.


This Board sought to provide more clarity and a method for an applicant to know what the board would likely approve and to ensure consistent assessment of future projects.  To that end a page was added to the Pole Patch Website; http://www.polepatch.com/documents/outbuilding-design-criteria/  This page outlines the criteria specific to outbuildings.  When considering construction of a new building  the applicant should be able to utilize that criteria to determine placement and construction design and have a reasonable expectation that a proposed building using that criteria outlined on that page will be approved by the board.

There have been several complaints of the gate not working.  We will obtain bids to replace the controller.  Also, we will get water run back to the gate for cleaning and watering.

We continue to evaluate the roads and repairs that are necessary

All of the fire hydrants have now been serviced, and will be painted as the weather permits.


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