Spencer Bradley

2023-2-27 February Meeting

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Apr 222023

In attendance: Bill Kerner / Shawn Maynard / Austin Scott / Bradon Martin / Spencer Bradley / Alexis Hammer / Kendal Madsen Visitors: Ralph & Diana Dunkley, Joe & Cassie Giarrusso-Lopez, John Sears

Variance: Giarrusso-Lopez residence has been designed and is currently not 50′ from the side property line. They are asking for a variance to reduce the side setback. Giarusso-Lopez presented their case for the variance. The Dunkley’s responded that they do not want to allow a variance. Board voted not to grant the variance.

Rental / CCRs Discussion: Revised language to allow lease back when selling your home. Businesses are allowed but there can be no sign of an actual business. No short term rentals allowed. Shortest rental term is 11 months. We need to provide a link on the website to a fill out a form if a property is leased out.

Budget: Reviewed annual budget. Will need to increase the snow removal budget because of this year’s snowfall.

Dues: Discussed increasing dues to accommodate the road repair that needs to happen between the gate and Burnham. To be discussed at the annual meeting. Will raise 2024 dues by $250. Board will assess the need for an increase annually.

Water: City wants the existing back flow preventers tested.

2022-12-13 December Meeting

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Dec 272022

In attendance: Bill Kerner / Shawn Maynard / Austin Scott / Bradon Martin / Spencer Bradley. Excused: Kendal Madsen / Alexis Hammer

Rental / CCRs Discussion: Poll results have been shared with the HOA. Majority of homeowner’s would like to see the CCR’s to be changed to restrict rentals. Austin will send over the verbiage for an attorney to review and comment on. Once the board receives that back it will be sent out for an official vote by the whole HOA.

Water: Briskey’s have let us know that they have finished their survey and will be send out estimates.

2022-9-19 September Meeting

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Dec 142022

In attendance: Bill Kerner / Shawn Maynard / Alexis Hammer / Austin Scott / Bradon Martin / Spencer Bradley / Kendal Madsen

Rentals / CCRs Discussion: What is the minimum length for a rental period. 11 months is considered a long term rental. Owner to complete a form that provides all pertinent information about perspective tenants include a background check. Board to timely respond to any requests.

Gate: Reviewed latest ideas for the gate. Spencer and Bradon are meeting with an architect next week.

Water: Tyson with Pleasant View is ready to takeover the water. Shawn reached out to Gardner to get the easement written. November 1st is the goal to get this all taken care of. Still waiting for Briskey to complete the survey of the back flow preventers.

West Property: They pulled the Ligori property off the MLS.

Next Meeting:

2022-8-17 August Meeting

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Aug 212022

In attendance: Bill Kerner / Shawn Maynard / Alexis Hammer / Austin Scott / Bradon Martin / Spencer Bradley. Excused: Kendal Madsen

Rental / CCRs Discussion: Discussed rental duration, events and disruptive activities at homes, businesses out of residences, and fine schedules. Add transfer fee for any new owners moving in. Long term leases to be submitted to Utah HOA for review with a fee to be determined. Revisions to be sent out to residents for feedback.

Gate: Reviewed ideas for the gate. A list will be compiled of a few options with estimated costs and sent out to the residents.

Water: Briskey’s still doing a survey of the back flow preventers. Have not been able to get a company to quote to repair the water tanks.

West Property: Talked about making similar stipulations that we made to Kap property for any new neighboring property owners.

Next Meeting:

Pole Patch Landowners Association Annual Meeting

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Jun 282022

Wadman Nature Park Bowery

Monday- June 27, 2022

Meeting Minutes

  1. Shawn introduced all the new owners in Pole Patch.  
  2. Discussion about rentals: State Law allows rentals inside primary residence and CCR’s cannot change that however there is process to allow that to happen. Don Scott suggested that the CCR’s address and point that out.  Detached accessory rentals are not allowed in Pleasant View City.  A discussion was held about short term rentals.  The board will send out any proposed changes to the CCR’s in August. Feedback will be gathered, and a vote will happen if needed.  
  3. John Sears with Utah HOA reviewed our financials.  It was pointed out that last year we had a deficit because of the Pleasant View water takeover. Our projection this year is that $6,000 will be put back in reserves.
  1. Kendall Madsen requested that residents to be mindful of speeding up the road past the gate.  At nighttime the noise is especially disruptive.
  1. Bradon Martin discussed the gate code and gate openers.  The gate code will be changing soon to #2022 from #5555.  This change will happen either quarterly or bi-annually.  This is the code that should be given out to friends, family, and visitors.  Also, owners can get with Bradon to request a gate opener so that they are not having to use a code to open the gate.  Any requests to have the gate opened for a period of time should go through Bradon Martin at 801.458.1707
  1. Bill Kerner presented the update on the water system. The two tanks have been dived and surveyed and will need some minor repairs.  Pleasant View city has accepted the current water meters but is requiring backflow preventers at each property to prevent contamination between the culinary water and the water used to for outside watering.  Briskey Plumbing will be doing a survey to find out which properties need backflow preventers.  It will be up to each individual property owner to pay for and install the correct backflow preventer.  Once Pleasant View city has taken over the water system a fee schedule will be sent out to all owners. 
  1. Shawn requested that all owners to be mindful of their dogs barking at night and to put them inside if they are barking. 
  1. Shawn reported on the roads. Edges were recently repaired after the recent runoff.  We will be crack sealing from Burnham and above every other year.  This is an off year.  Below Burnham will need to be replaced at some point and crack sealing does not make any sense.  Many owners requested for Shawn to talk with the snow removal company and have them be careful when pushing snow off the road so as to not do so much damage to landscaping.  It was also reiterated that owners who are doing construction need to repair damage that is caused during their construction.  
  1. A vote was taken on the three open board positions. Shawn Maynard will stay on as President.  Alexis Hammer and Austin Scott have been voted on to the board. 

2022 – 4-12 April Meeting

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Jun 062022

Meeting Attendees: Shawn Maynard, Spencer Bradley, Justin Wood, Bill Kerner, Bradon Martin. Excused Kayla Decker and Kendall Madsen

Pole Patch Updates: Jason Kap has purchased the Christofferson property and is advertising that lot along with the 40 acre piece to the north he already owns is for sale. New owner at Montierth home. Also a new owner of the 9 acre parcel on Waterfall Drive.

Roads: Some edge work needs to happen along Pole Patch Drive near the gate.

Water: The divers reviewed the tanks in February. There is some repair work to be done to the inside and outside. This needs to be happen ASAP. Briskey will mobilize by the end of month to do the survey on the back flow preventers which is paid by the HOA. The cost to install / replace the back flow preventers at each individual lot will need to be paid by each owner. The invoice for the valve repair has been paid. By mid summer everything should be ready for a final agreement with Pleasant View City.

Gate: New guest gate code will be sent out shortly.

Short Term / Long Term Rentals: An email will be sent out for further discussion on this.

2022 – 1-25 January Meeting

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Jan 282022

Meeting Attendees: Board Members (excused Kendall Madsen) Also in Attendance: Dave Park, Don and Mindy Scott, Jeff Clark, Cathy Montierth, and John and Lola Parker.

Roads: There was a truck that burned near the Peterson’s home. Shawn is finding out who the company was so they can get the road repaired and garbage picked up. Resending October email from John Sears clarifying that trailers and vehicles are not allowed to be parked along the road.

Water: There were some leaking valves on Pole Patch Drive that needed to be replaced and were causing the water charges to be off. All but one of those has been replaced. Both tanks will be inspected on February 18th. The city will likely use the current meters that are in Pole Patch and we won’t need to replace all of them. If one of the existing water meters needs to be replaced it will be updated to the city’s current water meter technology. All homes will need back flow preventers. We will send out Briskey Plumbing to evaluate which homes need to have them added.

Gate: Redesigning of gate was brought up. Working towards something to present at the annual meeting in the summer.

Short Term Rentals: Discussion on the pros and cons of allowing short term rentals. What parameters should rentals be allowed. Communication and clarification to the neighborhood will be issued. The consensus of the group at the meeting was that short term rentals should not be allowed.

2021 – 10-13 October Meeting

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Oct 142021

Meeting Attendees: Shawn Maynard, Bradon Martin, Spencer Bradley, Bill Kerner, and Kendall Madsen. Missing Justin Wood, and Kayla Decker.

Roads: Discussed the parking of trailers along the sides of the road. Will review CCR’s.

Water: Contract is out to the divers to check the integrity of the water tanks. $1000 per tank. Still working on the PRV Station in the vault on Pole Patch Drive. Needs new diaphragm and tubing.

Gate: Kendall introduced the idea of modifying the entrance into the gate and using some of Stull’s property to accommodate it . They have requested a plan showing the specifics. The gate codes have all been erased and the three new ones are activated. The gates are now scheduled to be open every weekday morning from 6:45am to 8:30am. They will also be open most Holidays. Talked about giving the fire department push buttons for gate access.

Annual Meeting: Decided to move annual meeting that is traditionally in February to June.

2021 – 9-28 September Meeting

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Sep 282021

Construction Water: Board approved a $100 fee to use water during the construction of a new house where a water meter is not currently installed.