Spencer Bradley

2021 – 9-15 September Meeting

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Sep 172021

Meeting Attendees: Shawn Maynard, Bradon Martin, Spencer Bradley, Bill Kerner, Kayla Decker, and Kendall Madsen. Missing Justin Wood.

Roads: We committed to Sky Rands to provide snow removal service this coming winter. Rates went up $3/per hour and .11 cents per bag of salt. Center road stripe up to Burnham Drive has been completed.

Water: Contract for Pleasant View City to takeover the water system has been signed. Reaching out to some divers to take a look at the tanks. Also need to check pumps and valves. After this work is complete a total cost for repairs will be determined and that cost will be assessed on the monthly water bills spread over 20 years.

Gate: We are proceeding with eliminating all the codes. We will send out and activate the new codes first and then after 30 days all the existing codes will be wiped. When this happens a text and email will be sent to all owners. Discussed the possibility of modifying approach into the gate heading south. Still looking for ideas on how we might update the gates.

Communication: We will be using texts sent out to owner’s phones to communicate critical information going forward.

2021 – 8-9 August Meeting

 minutes  Comments Off on 2021 – 8-9 August Meeting
Aug 102021

Meeting Attendees: Shawn Maynard, Bradon Martin, Spencer Bradley, Bill Kerner, and Justin Wood. Missing Kayla Decker and Kendall Madsen.

Reviewed the Maynard house plans submitted for approval. Plans meet all requirements in the CCR’s and was approved by the board on August 9, 2021.

Discussed road striping. Justin reported that the striping would be completed in the middle of the night and would be done as soon as possible. The striping starts at the gate and ends at Burnham Drive.

Weed mowing was recently completed and the board doesn’t feel like it needs to happen again with how dry its been.

Discussed crack seal and that the crack seal won’t fix the road below Burnham. It has been determined its a waste of money on that section of the road. Eventually the road will need to be replaced. The plan is not do any crack seal next year. The recommendation is to complete it in April and not wait until it gets too hot. Also discussed looking at the new section of road at the end of Jessie Creek and see if it needs to have a slurry coat.

Justin will contact Sky our snow removal provider about making sure he is on board for this next year.

Discussed hiring someone to touch up the edges of the roads to protect the asphalt. Justin is going to assess it and report back.

Discussed the water system turnover to Pleasant View City. We have the latest version of the contract from them. They are requesting a down payment of $24,000 to perform an assessment on our system. Once that is done the cost of any required upgrades will amortized and applied to each lot’s monthly water bill. Shawn is having the city amend the contract to exclude the three new lots at the end of Jessie Creek that are already on the Pleasant View City water system.

Discussed the possibility of changing / rebuilding the gate. The gates need to be rebuilt soon anyways. The board would like to come up with two to three options. The goal is to have something to present at the next owner’s meeting in February.

Discussed the purging of all the current gate access codes. The goal is to purge all the codes and issue a new code to everyone at the next meeting on September 8th.