

Water Responsibilities:

Water Testing – need to find someone to replace bill in 2016; he is retiring.

Pump house maintenance: Periodically check on pump house, make sure it is secure & there are no problems with rodents.

Paint door every couple years?

Visit the well & be familiar with where it is & what is there- hike up to well a couple times a year & check on it.

Meters – interface with HOA & make sure meters are being read- arrange work on meters or reader as required

review monthly water usage- make sure HOA is figuring it correctly & watch for water leaks.


      1  Reading of water meters; Dan Sears  #801-866-5624
      2  Water meters and touch pad wands — for warranty and replacement parts–Ken Sheffield at Meterworks #801-309-6612
      3  Water testing and telemeter pumping station and year end report Bill Goss #801-648-8628
      4  Water Hydrant testing J and C Testing — Jeff Tingey # 801-294-5290
      5  Check out monthly Pole Patch water billing report, to make sure there is not excessive water usage, indicating a possible leak!